The Discomfort of Uncertainty

Self-Care for Employees Begins with Good Leadership

Join me for this 6-part article series where I cover some important points for leaders to be aware of when supporting the well-being of employees. If you are not a leader, you can apply these ideas to your own life.

 As humans, it is essential to have some certainty and predictability amongst the chaos of uncertainty. We need some things we can count and rely on to build up some tolerance to meet uncertainty without falling apart. Certainty can come in the form of connection, routine, fun at work, spending time on hobbies at home, self-care practices, intrinsic motivation, and alignment with organizational and personal values.

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The Importance of Language in Recovery-Oriented Organizations

Words create worlds. The words we choose to use, and the meanings behind them, continually shape our present and future.

When we were kids we chanted the rhyme, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” However as adults we know this is untrue. Words can profoundly hurt and leave scars that can last years. I can imagine that a lot of us might be still nursing scars from hurtful words we have received over our lifetimes.

The topic of language is something on the radar for PSR focussed organizations committed to serving with recovery-oriented practices.

We always have more to learn.

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